
Which Spa's provide Varied Massage?

There seems to be quite a few different types of jets around. Which are the best types and how many different types should there be in the spa to provide varied massage?

Is it better to have more jets rather than fewer jets? Do I need to look for more pumps if the spa has lots of jets?

A. Jets by definition come in three rough sizes in the industry, 1 inch, 3 inch and 5 inch, although there are larger footwell jets now being fitted in most spas it is the seat jets we will be concentrating on here.Things to look for when viewing a tub include number of jets, size of jets and position of jets. Although people may think a tub full of 5" jets is the best thing to look for you would be wrong, all the same you don't want one with all 1" either.Each size of jet will give the bather different hydrotherapy properties and therefore a tub offering variation on all sizes of jets is the tub to ultimately look for. Position of the jets can be a comfort and massage issue, therefore testing the tub you are interested in both dry and wet will give you the consumer the answer to both these questions as you are the one that will be using the tub. Jet positions throughout the tub to obtain a full body massage from shoulders to feet including if possible hands is again the aim however wet test to see what YOU think of the tub. As most spas have either 5 or 6 seats you are also looking for variation on jet type across the seats when it comes to the 3 and 5 inch size as you may have more than one seat with the same size of jet.Lastly number of jets in the spa, this is of course important however the spa must be balanced correctly so the available jets do not outweigh the available pump power and effect pressure at the jets and therefore the tubs hydrotherapy. Most tubs have air venturis and diverter handles to handle power direction should the manufacturer wish to offer more jets with the same number of pumps, check pump and flow rates of the spa and compare brands for better understanding of this. Coverage on the body of one five inch jet will be greater than one three inch therefore you tend to find more clusters of one and three inch as needed on certain seats, again wet test to find out for yourself.To sum up VARIATION, POSITION, NUMBER, look at all three factors not just one and also take note of seating variation, see the post for more info on that.

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